Download Sim City 4 Deluxe Edition
The game SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition mayor provided a huge number of possibilities: from the creation of landscapes of the city to allocating a share of the budget of the district high school. Want to have some of the townspeople get to work on a stick* And this is possible too. The city will be like you want: the resort and tourist area a center of industry the world’s waste dump … In this game you can even combine the two cities. What would happen* Twice as many jobs goods and services. But home is your problem – not the creation of a conglomerate of several different settlements and welfare of the citizens.
The game SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition Virtuals contact with you directly and also share their thoughts and feelings about the decision of the municipality. If you prefer you can not wait for the reaction of townspeople and learn their views on their own. Do not want to talk to random passers-by* Then import your created virtuals from the game The Sims and put them in your town! If you have never served as creator and ruler of virtual destiny you will still be a possibility: several potential residents metropolis we have created yourself. Decide on what and how they will get to work where he settled where will learn …
System requirements for the game “SimCity 4″:
v Operating system: Windows XP/ME/2000/98 (Windows 95 and Windows NT are not supported)
v Processor: Intel Pentium III 500 MHz or fully compatible
v Memory: 128 MB
v Video Card: 32 MB VRAM and driver that is compatible with DirectX 7.0; three-dimensional graphics accelerator with 16 MB memory compatible with the standard Direct3D which uses the chipset NVIDIA GeForce4 NVIDIA GeForce3 NVIDIA GeForce2 NVIDIA GeForce 256 NVIDIA TNT2 NVIDIA TNT ATI Radeon ™ 9700 ATI Radeon 9000 ATI Radeon 8500 ATI Radeon 7500 ATI Radeon 7200 ATI Radeon 7000 ATI Radeon Matrox Parhelia Matrox G550 Matrox G450 or Matrox G400
v Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
v Free space on hard disk: 1 GB
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